Friday, July 23, 2010

Waiting, waiting

Well, so far I've sent out 20 queries and have received 5 form rejections. I am fine with this, not that I have any choice. I am trying to be realistic about this; however, I don't think anyone would write a novel unless they thought their stuff was good enough to be published.

I was in three libraries yesterday picking up books for my high school students. While walking around, I couldn't help thinking that my book was surely as god as some of the books there.

Writing my query letter has been challenging. This is a new thing for me. It is always a bit difficult to take on a totally different writing task. I do think my third/fourth version is better that my first. I've managed to get rid of almost 100 words, and I think it is much more clear. Reading the examples on the Query Shark website has helped.

I am starting to think that the best thing I can do is get started on my second book. I find myself thinking about it all the time, so I think it's time to begin. Plus, it will take my mind off the waiting.


  1. Congrats on the new blog, and on finishing your book! That is a big accomplishment.

    (Wordpress has a feature where one can see who has visited each post, but I've heard that Blogger is getting it soon, so hang in there and you'll have a better idea about how many visitors you're getting.)

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts. :)

  2. Hi Laylinda,

    Thanks for being the first to comment on my new blog! I think I'm going to enjoy this. It is always good to practice writing by doing more of it, and it is nice to have a place where I can write my thoughts whenever I want.

    Laylinda has an excellent blog at:
