Monday, December 20, 2010

I really knew nothing!

When I started trying to query back in the summer, I really had no idea about how this process works. Since then, I have continued to edit my story and rewritten my query several times. I did get one partial request, and another agent said he liked my story, but was already representing another writer with a similar story.

I see now how impatient I was, but I guess all writers are excited when they finish their first books. I'm trying to be realistic about this. I just redid my letter again after making a few significant edits to the story.

I sent out a new batch of 9 queries today, so I'll see what happens. Regardless, I will be more patient and realistic this time.

The best thing from the past week was that I finally started my next book! For now, I am calling it Trio. I have three characters in mind, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to them. I hope to get 20-30 pages done over the next week as I have some time off from work.

1 comment:

  1. It IS amazing how much there is to know about the publishing process. I had no idea when I was writing my first manuscript that that's the easy part. Keep up the good work!
